
Novice Principles

EditorialsNovice Talk: Saekyi

Novice Talk: Saekyi

Deviant, Vibrant & Alluring are 3 words that come to mind when describing the music of Saekyi [“Sah-Key”]. The Virginia artist’s “sound” is very different from any traditional rapper which instantly attracts you to his catalog. Bolstering a unique style, there are no boundaries when it comes to what the novice can assemble for his listeners. 

Saekyi has been a bright spot for his hometown of Woodbridge, Virginia as well as the entire state. A talented musician who has exceeded his own expectations at such an early stage in his career with features from widely-known publications, shoutouts from the likes of Ebro Darden, his overall streams topping over 1 Million and so much more. The novice understands there’s more work to be done as he battles the hurdles of being an independent artist but he’s ready for the challenge. His most recent project, ‘Sunset Demo’s, is an impressive 6-track EP. A magnificent & unbelievable display of musicianship that will blow you away on your first listen. If you haven’t heard it, give it a listen. 

I had the chance to sit down with the talent and discuss a variety of topics that opened up my eyes about Saekyi’s journey. You can check out highlights from our appreciable conversation below!

Cherry: For those that don’t know who Saekyi is just yet, who is he? 

Saekyi: Saekyi is an artist that makes what he like when he likes it. Im from Northern Virginia (Woodbridge). I’ve been tapped into music since middle school back when we were rapping on the bus. That was my introduction…I realized I was kinda good at this and then in college after I dropped ‘Suicide Bombers’, I had people I didn’t even know telling me they liked the song and I saw how well it was doing on Soundcloud, it had like 2,000 streams and that was when I decided to take this seriously. 

Cherry: You being an independent artist, what do you find the most difficult thing for someone moving at the pace you’re at right now? 

Saekyi: The most difficult thing for me right now is funding…I’ve gotten past a few other obstacles but Im at the point where to maximize artistry you need outside income. 

Cherry: What do you do right now to alleviate that issue? 

Saekyi: Well, I Uber right now. I also save and am knowledgeable about where my money is going. I did the cover art for my tape (Sunset’s Demo) and I’ve made most of my covers because it’s such a big expense. I can’t afford to constantly be paying that much and it allows me artistic expression as well to cut cost.

Cherry: Your sound is revolutionary in a sense and very unique, what do you feel separates you? 

Saekyi: My dad had this crazy sound system when I was growing up, his palette was so diverse and he knew these songs word for word from Boyz II Men to Tim McGraw. I’d always be on the stairs just listening. My dad was my biggest influence. I didn’t start listening to rap until middle school, honestly. That has allowed me to make music that isn’t tied into what rap sounds like today. 

Cherry: You being someone who is on the forefront with other artists in VA, what do you see for the state in the coming years as the music scene continues to evolve? 

Saekyi: I think for VA as a whole, a renaissance is coming. That feeling that was around when Timbaland, Neptunes and everyone else was around…when the wave was here…that’s coming back to VA. We’re all prepping for the inevitable outcome that’s going to happen within the next few years. My goal as a Virginia artist is to connect NoVA into the bigger music scene that takes place in Richmond & the 757 but it’s all about finding more of us here in northern Virginia. Just imagine if we all knew each other.

Cherry: On the topic of your latest EP, how was that process for you?

Saekyi: It was really cool. For me, certain things are experimental. Putting this tape together was a back and forth, wanting to just release a whole bunch of songs but I didn’t want to to put together an album before I can have people who will listen to a [Full-Length] album…Quarantine gave me a chance to slow down and put all these songs together with the same emotion because of what I was going through at that time. It was a no brainer in December when it came time to choose the songs for the EP. https://open.spotify.com/embed/album/6FnEryZ0Sm2VqRSpI7J8qz?si=b6gV9aW4TDal_tJRhhEEgA&dl_branch=1

Cherry: You had a very big moment happen recently with Ebro Darden, how did that come about? 

Saekyi: Im currently working with this artist development group out in LA ran by two amazing people, Edgar & Meagan. We got together and before the tape we made a list of goals and the Ebro Beats One thing was one of them. It was a milestone moment for me. To hear him say my name on that platform and play my song was incredible.

Cherry: What’s next for you with this momentum? 

Saekyi: More music honestly. It’s going to be insane. Now that I graduated I feel like I can really focus. I was just in New York and made 9 songs. Also looking for more investors, maybe do some shows. I want to stay consistent with what we’re currently doing but there’s so much coming. 

Cherry: My final question. For someone on the outside looking in, what would your advice be to someone who wants to get started as a musician? 

Saekyi: You’ve gotta study. There are so many free tools especially on Youtube that will teach you many things that can be beneficial. There’s knowledge in all things music that can help and give you new perspectives an artist. Also give yourself time and put your ego in check. This isn’t a race. The same amount of work is what is going to matter most. Understanding these are the recipe for me.

This was beyond a great conversation and we look forward to seeing the continued success for Saekyi as he grows. If you want to learn more about Saekyi, view our insider story on him by clicking here. You can also listen to our full conversation now on Spotify. 

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